Take It Easy
What does it mean?
By “take it easy,” I sometimes hear something very unique, perhaps something people don’t intend to mean. This phrase resonates within and strikes a most beautiful chord echoing something greater, pushing a message that is buried below the surface level.
I hear them say, “relax.” I hear them say, “You don’t have to put in so much effort and can just go with the flow.” I love to hear this expression. I’m not sure if it’s an American thing to say, I’m not sure if people say it with spiritual intent, and I’m not sure if there’s any thought behind the comment at all. But when I hear it, what I feel is empowered. Ironic, yes?
To me, “take it easy” means I can be less energetic and still have a most beautiful outcome. To me, “take it easy” means we all can take it easy, not just me. It’s a funny thing to hear, especially when I already feel like I am taking it easy!
“Take it easy,” they say, I feel like people say this to me in one of two ways:
1.) My energy is so extroverted and outward that some people recognize my positivity as a force to reckon with. The only moments I hear this phrase are usually in passing, during a quick exchange and coming from someone who knows me only in those brief seconds or minutes. Hearing them say “Take it easy” is actually quite emboldening.
I feel seen in that moment, only ever so minimally. When the comment comes from a stranger or even someone vaguely acquainted it only holds so much meaning to me for they don’t know who I truly am nor how or why I am built this way. Funny enough, those who care about me and know me more intimately don’t seem to tell me this. At least, not noticeably. “Take it easy” seems to be a piece of small talk, a sort of courtesy or consideration to share. In a strange way, the comment gives me a moment of self-reflection. Like a moment of checking in with myself. And wow can that be grounding!
2.) My energy is to be taken care of. I feel the empathy of a person, the care in the words they choose to say out loud because they could say just about anything to segway or end the conversation. In lieu of all things possible, they tell me to “take it easy, ” and that’s like saying “keep taking care of yourself.
Now I know this chapter isn’t full of affluent grammar and syntax, I know my subject matter is centered on feelings; on things that aren’t truly measurable. I know this story sources from my umwelt; the world as I experience it, from all of my collective experiences discharging into a singular disclosure. And that’s okay because not everything needs to be quantifiable. Some things in life are purely free without normative or boundaries.
Sometimes the only reason to be is because, well, we can be.
This makes me happy, this freedom. I can recognize my contentedness in a world full of change, flow, and juxtaposition. I sometimes have no idea what’s going on..okay well maybe I always have some idea, but instead, I am less in control and more present, more open-minded to what the universe has to create with me.
I feel more accepting in that moment of “take it easy.” I feel more giving in that moment of “take it easy.” I feel a wave of love given to myself and an acceptance of my environment and the elements swirling about. I feel the flow like everything is always and will be okay. I feel okay with myself and how I am making things up as I go along. I feel okay with the way my plan is unfolding. I feel the origami of my life reshape into a new dimension that leaves my physical body and transforms into the realm of the ethereal. I feel an elevated ethos again and leave behind the worries I collected in my body. I feel spirit invigorated between me, who I am becoming, and who I have been. I feel peace between others and myself.
All this feeling has no measuring stick other than the human itself. We are the instrument that calculates all these feelings and can quantify them and I love being both this incredible machine and also part of the bigger picture, making me remember to “take it easy” once again.
I too take it easy like..sometimes naturally, other times I remember to. Somehow, the feeling is always with me and I can call upon it.
Life is full of choices, monumental and minute…this is simply the way life can be! But somehow in this beautiful arc of life, I find happiness over and over again. Sure things don’t always make sense and my senses are pushed to their limits and even beyond, yet surely, I am always okay. Like I get to hear every once in a while, I just, “take it easy”.
#NoAI #NaturalWriting #TakeItEasy