N is for Nourishment

Norman the Writer
2 min readJul 30, 2024

“The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.” — Marcus Aurelius

We Grow

Want to hear an uncontestable fact? We are all built to grow. Everything, and I mean everything, is meant to prosper. But you may say, “But Norm, what about the hate and the war in the world that prospers?”

My friends, that is not true prosperity. You can imagine why, but I want to take the time to explain. Hate, war, undermining, marginalization—all these negative things lack nourishment. They take away from the grand life that we have, not add to it.

We are all growing, no matter how slow, painstaking, or invisible it seems sometimes. The only way to truly measure our own growth is by comparing it to where we were last year and if we are heading towards our goals.

How To Nourish Your Goals

Feed your goals the same way you feed yourself, your children, your plants, and your pets. Give your goals the best foods possible to make them come to life. But what does this look like in a practical way?

If you want to nourish a plant, you know that it needs good soil full of nitrogen, sunlight to induce photosynthesis, and healthy air to soak in.

Now, look at your goals the same way. If you want to be a writer, you must ask yourself what…



Norman the Writer

Somehow, we're all still here. That must mean there's a story worth living for. My story is to transform a little bit of life into the extraordinary. #EMPOWERUS